Somewhere between 21 million and 46 million gallons of crude oil have been disgorged into the Gulf since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded on April 20, according to government estimates. Eleven workers were killed in the blast. Our only reference point for the ecological repercussions of this much oil spilled into US waters is […]
The History Channel has added a new visual element to their logo they call a “propel”. This promo spot, directed by Adam Levite at Ghost Robot Productions, features a re-make of a 1957 Buddy Holly song “Everyday”: Synopsis: Grizzled factory workers (live action) manufacture countless “propels” on giant machinery. Scenes of red triangles riding […]
Check out this absolutely hilarious ad for the Toyota Sienna SE Minivan: This is just one in a series of spots created by Saatchi and Saatchi, Toyota’s ad agency featuring a suburban family of four that have dubbed themselves “the best parents ever.” Throughout the campaign, actors Brian Huskey and Rachel Drummond give a deadpan […]
Check out how this Super Bowl ad by Google gets so much emotional mileage out of a dead-simple piano track: The Behind-The-Scenes Story: Around 2009, Google Creative Labs decided to produce a YouTube video campaign featuring vignettes about people’s lives. The challenge was to accomplish this by showing only Google searches. They bid the creative […]