Producing a music track is akin to directing a motion picture in that one of those many decisions made on the set will become a huge factor in the editing room……but it’s difficult to know which one. It takes extraordinary skill to be immersed in the technical complexity, creative options and personalities of a production […]

Check out this State Farm commercial targeted towards an African-American demographic. Synopsis: These types of commercials are sometimes referred to as “image” spots. They do not convey specific information (prices, awards, products) but rather combine music and visuals together in a collage and associate that brand with the experience. This music video features a […]

Somewhere between 21 million and 46 million gallons of crude oil have been disgorged into the Gulf since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded on April 20, according to government estimates. Eleven workers were killed in the blast. Our only reference point for the ecological repercussions of this much oil spilled into US waters is […]

Welcome to the MusicRevolution blog! If you are a creator of visual media or music we hope you’ll find this blog useful. Whenever I hear an exceptional piece of music in a TV show or commercial, I always wonder, “Who wrote that track?”, “How was it recorded?”, “How did the show’s creators decide upon that […]