Aug 13, 2013, 00:09

The right music in advertising can help you connect with your listeners and viewers to create an entertaining and memorable experience which can help to build your brand. And music can help you further target your advertising audience based on age and musical interests. We thought that we would highlight some of the royalty-free advertising music on ( that could be used for a range of purposes including TV and radio commercials, online video ads, corporate videos, web videos, trade show videos and a range of other applications. We have a wide and diverse selection of royalty-free advertising music.

A search on for “advertising” yields over 18,000 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search on for “broadcast” yields over 15,000 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search on for “commercial” yields over 1,500 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search on for “branding” yields the following 36 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search on for “promotion” yields the following 83 royalty-free production music tracks—

A memorable ad slogan combined with a catchy jingle tune can create a form of sound branding or sonic branding. A search on for “ad jingles” yields the following 12 royalty-free production music tracks— also has a number of CDs, available in both physical CD and download CD formats, with hand-selected royalty-free music tracks.  We have compiled an outstanding collection of royalty-free advertising music on “Advertising, Vol. 1” –

The production music on this CD complements but doesn’t steal the show from your VO talent. These tracks, drawing upon every genre from chill out techno to rock and roll, can tell a story by themselves.

With nearly 25,000 tracks of royalty-free music online in our production music library, ( has some of the best royalty-free music available anywhere.


Chris Cardell is the co-founder of,a production music marketplace with nearly 25,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, advertisers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music and custom music from an online community of professional musicians. Cardell has been involved with digital content and E-Commerce since the mid-1990’s.

Aug 8, 2013, 11:49

In part I of this blog series I promised to document my experience writing,
producing and marketing a novelty song; with the ultimate goal being that I own
the publishing rights to a song that has permeated culture. I decided that song
would be “Poopy Diaper”.

I should be upfront and say that anyone who willingly puts their name on a song
called “Poopy Diaper” and spend weeks bringing that song to fruition has, in some
way, hit bottom. Who the hell would go to the trouble of documenting what adults
feel when they change their childrens’ diapers?

I’ll tell you who. It’s someone who doesn’t want to bother cultivating a unique
sound, much less an audience, and wants to fast forward straight to the part where
royalty checks arrive in the mail.

Anyone who’s raised young children remembers the period when very real things
happened on that diaper-changing table. They will also remember that by the time
potty-training became an option, their child ironically possessed the ability to
verbally express that potty-training was a stupid idea.

I want my song to throw gasoline on that very important family conversation. I
want baby boys to hate this song because their parents sing it to them. I want
sleep-deprived moms to plop her daughters in front of YouTube to learn what needs
to be sung when big things are happening in their pants.

I want older siblings to taunt their younger siblings with it, who will eventually
recount this experience on an expensive therapy couch…only to sing it to their
own children.

When I was a music major I learned an ugly German word for music that has been
created for a specific purpose…”Gebraunchsmusik”. In a 1921 academic
publication, musicologist Paul Nettl observed a clear distinction between music
that was intended mainly to be in the service of dancers, and that which was
mainly intended to service the ideals of art. He called the latter
“Vortragsmusik”. Basically, “Vortragsmusik” was the high-falutin’ music that
expanded our minds…”Gebraunchsmusik” was simple-minded music that, much like a
toaster oven, served a very specific purpose.

The purpose of my original composition is to serve parents of the upcoming 11
billion people that will be pooping in their pants.

In my next blog, I’ll talk about how I actually produced the song itself. Stay



Mike Bielenberg is a professional musician and co-founder of, a production music marketplace with over 22,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music from an online community of musicians

Aug 3, 2013, 18:56 has nearly 25,000 tracks of high-quality, royalty-free music online. also offers a variety of royalty-free music subscriptions that are a great value. For limited time, buy a 1-Year Complete Subscription (regularly $699.99 for up to 50 downloads) for only $599.99 and Save $100. That’s less than $12 for any track in our production music library. Tracks can be downloaded in either WAV or MP3 format. 

Check out our subscriptions today at  This special offer to Save $100 expires August 31, 2013.

With a variety of royalty-free music subscriptions and nearly 25,000 tracks online, ( has some of the best royalty-free music available anywhere.


Chris Cardell is the co-founder of,a royalty-free music marketplace with nearly 25,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, advertisers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music and custom music from a online community of professional musicians. Cardell has been involved with digital content and E-Commerce since the mid-1990’s.

Aug 1, 2013, 11:58

Location:Ossian, Indiana, U.S.A.

Member since: April 10, 2012

Tracks in portfolio on 316 (click here to hear all tracks)


Michael Musco, also known as Musco Sound, is an award winning musician from theUnited States. He brings with him an impressive track record of success along with an ever growing library of new music in a wide variety of styles and genres. His creative outlook on production music has lead to his music being placed in television, film, documentary, video games, ads, and everything else in between.

Some Questions We Asked Michael–

–High profile projects or clients you have worked for?

Most of the music I have created I never really know where it ends up or how it’s used. When I do get the chance to work on music for a client it’s very awesome. I’ve worked with an award winning digital signage company, Blue Pony Digital. Also I have created music used by Holiday Inn Express, Sugarshack Animation, Seward Inc, and many more.

–Primary instrument? –Favorite music-making piece of gear or software you currently use?
The instrument that has really gotten me into the music world is the guitar, but I’d say for commercial music my primary instrument is the synthesizer, and I use Fl Studio 11 to produce all the music I create. 

–Piece of gear or software you wish you owned?
I wish I owned Native Instruments Komplete 9, which I soon will purchase as soon as my computer is upgraded.

–Film score or song you admire? Why?
I’ve always liked the music in Jaws. It’s one of those scores that will never be forgotten and even now you hear kids in pools going dhanna dhanna dhanna as they stalk one of their friends.

–Memorable “Aha!” moment during your musical education?
My aha moment was when I realized I was mixing my music to loud. I fell into the loudness war hard and didn’t even really know I was in it until it was to late.

–Most embarrassing music-related moment?
I think the most embarrassing music moment I’ve had was playing guitar on stage and completely forgetting how to play the song.

–If you had a time machine and could record or perform once with any artist, who would it be?
Jimi Hendrix for sure.

–Moment you first knew you would be a musician?
Probably the first time I picked up the guitar and started playing, I knew this is what I wanted to do. I have always loved music and going to see live music. Once I started playing myself it quickly turned not only into a passion but an obsession.

–Advice you would give to a younger family member interested in a music career?
Don’t listen to the negative people out there that will try and give you reasons why not to pursue a career in music. Follow your dreams, stay focused, work hard, and you can do it.

–Five songs or albums you’d take with you to a desert island?
That’s a tough question. I’ve been pretty digital with listening to music. I’d prefer to probably take my computer hard drive more then anything. I’d have to have some music from: Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, The Black Keys, White Stripes, Nirvana, just to name a few. Haha since I was on an island maybe some Jimmy Buffet. 

–If you could master another instrument, what would it be?

–Favorite time of day to work in your studio?
In the mornings.

–Some of your favorite tracks that you would want us to feature in the blog.

Cool Business Model

Advance Through

Floating Down a River

Extra Explainer

Joy Filled Day

We thank Michael for sharing some of his musical background with us and for contributing his tracks to, the Production Music Marketplace. Musco Sound has over 300 tracks available on, many of which are priced at only $9.99, and which are suitable for a wide range of commercial applications including promos, presentations, flash videos, website, radio, television, video games, digital signage and film.


Chris Cardell is the co-founder of,a production music marketplace with nearly 25,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, advertisers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music and custom music from a online community of professional musicians. Cardell has been involved with digital content and E-Commerce since the mid-1990’s.

Jul 28, 2013, 18:25

Hip Hop and Rap music are a great way to stay trendy and relevant with your audience, in particular with younger listeners/viewers. We thought that we would highlight some of the hip hop and rap royalty-free music on ( that could be used for a range of purposes including TV and radio ads, corporate videos, web videos, background music, on hold music and a range of other applications. We have a wide selection of royalty-free hip hop and rap music.

A search on for “hip hop” yields over 1,300 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search on for “rap” yields over 800 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search on for “RnB” yields over 1,000 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search on for “hick hop” yields the following 11 royalty-free production music tracks— also has a number of CDs, available in both physical CD and download CD formats, with hand-selected royalty-free music tracks.  We have assembled a dynamic collection of royalty-free hip hop music on “Hip Hop, Vol. 1” –

Random female vocals, chest-pounding bass tones and politically charged drum beats are sounds that thrive right here in our home town ofHotlanta. We used local connections to bring you a world-class CD of royalty-free Hip Hop music.

With nearly 25,000 tracks of royalty-free music online in our production music library, ( has some of the best royalty-free music available anywhere.


Chris Cardell is the co-founder of,a production music marketplace with nearly 25,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, advertisers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music and custom music from an online community of professional musicians. Cardell has been involved with digital content and E-Commerce since the mid-1990’s.

Jul 20, 2013, 14:07

New Age music is music of a range of styles intended to convey feelings of relaxation, inspiration and optimism. To us, the New Age movement was taken mainstream by artists like Yanni, Enya, Kitaro and Vangelis. We thought that we would highlight some of the New Age royalty-free music on ( that could be used for a range of purposes including TV and radio commercials, corporate videos, web videos, trade show videos, company meetings, health spas, yoga, background music, on hold music and other applications.

A search on for “New Age” yields over 2,500 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search on for “spa” yields nearly 1,500 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search on for “relaxation” yields the following 84 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search on for “meditation” yields over 100 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search on for “soothing” yields the following 173 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search on for “yoga” yields the following 40 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search on for “massage” yields over 20 royalty-free production music tracks— also has a number of CDs, available in both physical CD and download CD formats, with hand-selected royalty-free music tracks.  We have assembled a soothing collection of royalty-free New Age music on “New Age, Vol. 1” –

This CD of royalty-free New Age music is intended to relax your audience while ever so gently hugging on their heartstrings. This is royalty-free music to which you can bathe, meditate, hypnotize and generally decompress. 

With nearly 25,000 tracks of royalty-free music online in our production music library, ( has some of the best royalty-free music available anywhere.


Chris Cardell is the co-founder of,a production music marketplace with nearly 25,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music and custom music from an online community of professional musicians. Cardell has been involved with digital content and E-Commerce since the mid-1990’s.

Jul 13, 2013, 14:06

A music library that we partner with recently submitted a request to for Dubstep music for some CDs that they are working on. According to Wikipedia (, Dubstep is a genre of electronic dance music that originated in South London, England in the late 1990s. Dubstep generally features syncopated drum and percussion patterns with bass lines that contain prominent sub bass frequencies.

We thought that we would highlight some of the great royalty-free Dubstep music on ( that could be used for a wide range of purposes including TV and radio commercials, corporate videos, web videos, background music and other commercial applications.  

A search on for “Dubstep” yields over 50 royalty-free production music tracks, all cleared for commercial use—

Sonny John Moore, AKA Skrillex, is a popular Dubstep artist. While doesn’t carry any of Skrillex’s music, we do carry Dubstep music that was influenced by Skrillex. Using’s “Advanced Search” function, a search for “Skrillex” under the “Select Influences” dropdown yields over 30 royalty-free production music tracks, all cleared for commercial use—

With nearly 25,000 tracks of royalty-free music online in our production music library, ( has some of the best royalty-free music available anywhere.


Chris Cardell is the co-founder of, a production music marketplace with nearly 25,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, advertisers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music and custom music from an online community of professional musicians. Cardell has been involved with digital content and E-Commerce since the mid-1990’s.

Jul 9, 2013, 23:06

When mixing a music track, it’s always been a best practice to frequently alternate between sets of speakers. But  in our increasingly mobile world, you must now mix for a variety of mobile devices as well.

In an effort to make this easier for you, has conducted a series of empirical listening tests and created this quick reference chart that summarizes the sonic differences between the world’s most popular mobile audio formats. Our study covers redbook audio CD, YouTube (played on a Galaxy IIs), iTunes MP3 (through both mini cable and Bluetooth) and Rhapsody:

Mobile Audio Format Comparison

Click here for the PDF version 

During projects, your clients gleefully play your mix for their peers on whatever device is handy. This cheatsheet will help you defend your mix when clients experience differences between those devices. Some of the differences they’ll hear are drastic (YouTube…whoa). We think you’ll want to have this test data in front of you when they ask about this.

Happy mixing!


Mike Bielenberg is a professional musician and co-founder of, a production music marketplace with over 22,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music from an online community of musicians

Jul 4, 2013, 14:14

A US music library with whom we partner is releasing two upcoming CDs of dubstep tracks. They are looking for tracks to include on, in their exact words, “two albums of Dubstep, one ‘pop’ or commercial, such as it is, and the other oriented towards trailers and cinematic.” An upfront licensing fee (against future sync royalties) will be paid to musicians whose tracks are chosen. This particular library requires breakout stems for their tracks so it’s important that you can access the original session files for whatever tracks you submit.

If you wish to create or submit a new track for this project, please add “dubstep713” in the “Description” field of your track metadata and we’ll approve the change in less than 24 hours. You can do this to an existing track in our system or just add that tag to our newly submitted track.

To update the “Description” field in an existing track, do the following:

1) Log into your account
2) Click on “My Uploaded Tracks”
3) In the left navigation, click the “Status” of the track you want to tag (probably “Active”)
4) When you see your track in the list, click the “Edit” icon
5) Click on the “Tags/Metadata” section for that track
6) Enter “dubstep713” in the description box.
7) Click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom.
8) Click the “Submit to Editor” button below the editing window.
9) You’re done!

At that point your track will be offline for just a few hours while our team approves the change and re-activates your tracks. The client has been issued a search link where they can view all tracks submitted for this project.

Thanks for letting us sell your music!

-To receive these track requests via Twitter please follow us at @musicrevolutio
-To receive these track requests via Facebook, please “like”
-To submit your own request for music please go to


Mike Bielenberg is a professional musician and co-founder of, a production music marketplace with over 22,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music from an online community of musicians

Jun 29, 2013, 12:36

Country music covers a wide range of musical styles, all of which are well-represented in’s ( ) royalty-free music library. Traditional country, rock country, blue grass, American folk, western, hillbilly and more are great sounds to put your audience in a country mood before you even start telling your story. We thought that we would highlight some of the excellent royalty-free country music on that could be used for a wide range of purposes including TV and radio commercials, corporate videos, web videos, trade show videos, company meetings, background music, on hold music and other commercial applications. We have a great selection of royalty-free country music.

A search on for “country” yields over 900 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search for “banjo” yields over 200 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search for “fiddle” yields 91 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search for “harmonica” yields 133 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search for “country rock” yields 48 royalty-free production music tracks—

A search for “blue grass” yields the following 5 royalty-free production music tracks— also has a number of CDs, available in both physical CD and download CD formats, with hand-selected royalty-free music tracks.  We have assembled an outstanding collection of royalty-free country music on “Country, Vol. 1” –

Mandolin, banjo and fiddle are just some of the instruments that you’ll find in this folksy, fun and friendly royalty-free country music CD collection. 


With nearly 24,000 tracks of royalty-free music online in our production music library, ( has some of the best royalty-free music available anywhere.


Chris Cardell is the co-founder of, a production music marketplace with nearly 24,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, advertisers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music and custom music from an online community of professional musicians. Cardell has been involved with digital content and E-Commerce since the mid-1990’s.