May 16, 2012, 11:02

“Whistling Kisses (Instrumental) by Joi Veer

Click Here to Listen

Perfect for:

A TV spot where perfect kids arrive home to a perfect mom in a perfect house and ascribe all their joy to a single consumer food product in the kitchen. That product is then awkwardly held up to the camera in a way that no human ever actually does.   A female voice over drips friendly vibes all over this fun royalty free music for TV spot.

Joi Veer’s Comments:

“Whistling Kisses” was the 2nd instrumental track I wrote for the children’s market, but it came about in a funny way.

What happened was this:  In March 2005, I became the lucky father of twins, a girl (Greta) and a boy (Max), and about six months after they were born, we had them in the high chairs in our attempt to get them on real “baby” food.

Well my daughter used to stare at me, and her eyes would follow me around the room no matter where I walked.  So, when it was feeding time, I would have to stand in front of her and say funny things to get her to open her mouth for the next spoonful.

During one of these performances, out of the blue and quite spontaneously, I started whistling this little melody which left her awestruck with her mouth wide open.  I didn’t think anything of what I had whistled, but then a few days later, it happened again with that same melody rolling off the tip of my tongue, and then once more.

Suddenly, it dawned on me that I think I had the chorus for what could be a great kids tune.  Now, the whistled melody had my musical attention, and I began to run it thru my brain, play supporting chords on guitar, and write the other parts to make it a song.

When we recorded it, my keyboard player, Joe Rozler, triple tracked the whistling because although the chorus was in my vocal, or whistling range if you will, the other parts were too high for me, and I liked the key it was in.  He learned it amazingly fast, and blew it out exactly as I had written it.  We were enamored with the results.

But then, another really wild and educational thing happened.  Well, I was certain that the children’s shows would jump all over this tune, but only a few months after the recording became available for licensing, to my surprise, “Whistling Kisses” was placed in an episode of MTV’s “Exposed” and shortly after that in Food Network’s “Ace of Cakes.”  I was shocked that reality TV would scoop up a track like this, but it made sense…they used it as the comic relief to the drama they built up.  Live and learn, eh?

Eventually, it did wind up in some kids shows as well as numerous placements on various TV programs worldwide.  And that’s how “Whistling Kisses” came to be.”

Big thanks to Joi Veer for letting us carry this great production music track.


Mike Bielenberg is a professional musician and co-founder of, a production music marketplace with over 17,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music from an online community of musicians

May 15, 2012, 00:44

Location: Moscow, Russian Federation

Member since: May 24, 2011

Tracks in portfolio on 148 (click here to hear all tracks)


Evgeny Kiselevich of soundroad has worked in a number of different studios in Russia, Germany and Italy as an arranger, composer and guitar player. His music has been used in a variety of advertising projects and has been featured on ITV 4, Sky Sports (UK). He now lives in Moscow composing music for movies, TV and radio as well as arranging songs for various musical projects. Additionally, Evgeny is working on a live project called Limmo where he is a composer/producer and guitar player. Evgeny and soundroad play the Rock, Pop, Electronic and Soundtrack genres.

Some of soundroad’s Tracks We Really Like:


“Free Spirit”


“Be The Best”

Some Questions We Asked Evgeny Kiselevich of soundroad:


1.                  High profile projects or clients you have worked for?

I think it was in 90’s when I had done several tracks for MTS (one of the three biggest mobile operators in Russia). Later on I had a very interesting experience of working in a post production studio with the honored Russian film director G. Panfilow. Since then I work a lot and sell jingles to different clients. For example, last year one of my tracks was used for the Autosport International, famous auto show in Birmingham (UK).

2.                  Primary instrument?


3.                  Favorite music-making piece of gear or software you currently use?

Over the last two years I have used Pro Tools. And I like it more and more over time. Earlier in one of the German recording studios I had to use Cubase as it was the basic working platform. Actually I worked also with Logic and Samplitude. To my mind the capabilities of all modern DAW are more or less the same. But during the working process the program either could become your faithful partner or just execute your commands.

4.                  Piece of gear or software you wish you owned?

Once upon a time in the dark and dusty cupboard of a German studio I found an old, covered with adhesive tape, Neumann. Up until now listening to the vocal tracks recorded with it, I regret that I don’t own it.

5.                  Film score or song you admire? Why?

There’s absolutely more than one. For me it’s not important if the film score was composed especially for the movie or the musical editor has successfully put together the sound material. I admire the film atmosphere in whole. For example, “Vanilla Sky”

by Cameron Crowe, “Amelie”, “Chocolat” soundtracks and many more.

6.                  Music education background?

I started as a self-taught person. Later on I studied and graduated from College of Arts in Omsk (Siberia).

7.                  Memorable “Aha!” moment during your musical education?

The most interesting and important aspect for me was the discovery of the musical scales. Like parallel minor in major key. Earlier I played aurally. And finally, the musical school put everything in order in my head.

8.                  Most embarrassing music-related moment?

My first public gig ever. I was 15. After long and exhausting practicing with my school band I came onto the stage, saw several hundreds of people and forgot all I was supposed to play. Funny, but just one year later I played with the same band in front of more than 3 thousands and felt great.

9.                  If you had a time machine and could record or perform once with any artist, who would it be?

I’d like to jam with Steve Ray Vaughan and just sit quite in the studio corner while “Yes” are recording their “90125” album.

10.              Moment you first knew you would be a musician?

Once, my school band and I attended the meeting of famous musicians of our city. Listening to them playing and (maybe more important) watching their communication and unfamiliar humor, I’ve realized that I wanted to be like them and I wanted to enter their world.

11.              Advice you would give to a younger family member interested in a music career?

Listen attentively to your gut. If the desire to play, to compose music and be like your idols is stronger than the laziness and fear of obstacles, don’t give up and move forward.

12.              Five songs or albums you’d take with you to a desert island?

“Histeria” by Def Leppard, “90125” by Yes, “Synchronicity” by Police, “Achtung Baby” by U2 and Steve Ray Vaughan (best of). Any way sooner or later I’d find wood, cut out something like an instrument and play myself.

13.              If you could master another instrument, what would it be?

Electric violin.

14.              Favorite time of day to work in your studio?

Nights (when nobody calls on the phone).

15.              Any studio collaboration you experienced that stands out in your mind? Why?

Oh, many years ago in one of the studios I assisted the recording session of a local band. It was their first studio experience. The drummer played first with the click a very long and complicated piece with lots of rhythm change. His performance was perfect, just in coda he went a bit out of rhythm. That was the time of analog recording and any mistake meant extra studio time for re-recording. The band producer got mad and shouted, “What’s the problem?! We’ve learned the track so well!” The drummer answered, “I did my best, but the woman disturbed me a lot.” This answer surprised all of us. At the end we found out that a vocal track of the previous record wasn’t erased from the tape. And the heroic drummer was able to play the whole song almost without slip-ups, listening to the click and the voice of absolutely strange woman. This guy has deserved the right to go to the drummers’ paradise!


We thank Evgeny for sharing some of his musical background with us and for contributing soundroad’s tracks to, the Production Music Marketplace. The next time you need royalty-free rock music or royalty-free pop music for a project, check out soundroad’s tracks on


Chris Cardell is the co-founder of,a production music marketplace with over 17,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music and custom music from a online community of professional musicians. Cardell has been involved with digital content and E-Commerce since the mid-1990’s.

May 11, 2012, 10:56

“Relax A While” by JHunger Music

Click Here to Listen

Perfect for:

Inspirational website music that feels like a breath of fresh air for folks that visit your page. A lot of website experts recommend a visual element to your site that makes  the user feel like they’re in an open space, such as a nature panorama or an open road because its gives the user a sense of space and breathing room. This track is the aural equivalent of that.

JHunger Music’s Comments:

“My wife is from Hawaii and we visit there often. On our first trip I picked up an ukulele and fell in love with it, playing it on the beach or on her parents’ veranda while watching the waves on a sunny afternoon. I meant this song to capture that spirit – a nice relaxing day with a slight breeze, hot sun, and nothing much to do.”

Big thanks to JHunger Music for letting us carry this great production music track.


Mike Bielenberg is a professional musician and co-founder of, a production music marketplace with over 17,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music from an online community of musicians

May 5, 2012, 15:32

Memorial Day is a United States holiday held on the last Monday of each May honoring all Americans who have died in wars for our country. We salute and thank the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our country. With Memorial Day, May 28, 2012, less than a month away, we thought that we would highlight some of the royalty-free music on ( that would be appropriate for your Memorial Day production or for background music on Memorial Day. We have a great collection of royalty-free Memorial Day music. A search on for “memorial” yields 10 royalty-free music tracks-

A search for “patriotic” yields the following 35 royalty-free music tracks–

A search for “honor” yields the following 37 royalty-free music tracks–

We also had a customer request for royalty-free production music that would be suitable for a war memorial for fallen soldiers. Here are some of the royalty-free music tracks that were submitted for that request—

With over 17,000 tracks of royalty-free production music online, there are many other possible music choices for your Memorial Day production or any other project on We have the production music you need.


Chris Cardell is the co-founder of,a production music marketplace with over 17,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music and custom production music from a online community of professional musicians. Cardell has been involved with digital content and E-Commerce since the mid-1990’s.

Apr 26, 2012, 09:42

“To Look Back On Love” by Jon Mortimer
Click Here to Listen

Perfect for:

Heartbreaking statistics shown at the end of a documentary. Media producers needing to license sad music for documentary royalty free can astonish their audience with an epilogue of information that gives a hint as to where things are headed.

Jon Mortimer’s Comments:

“To Look Back On Love was originally intended as a song but I reworked it as a violin solo with strings and classical guitar accompaniment and would make a strong theme or closing music for a serious dramatic film. The solo is played by Matthias Bromman, who nailed it in one take with great expression and phrasing.”

Big thanks to Jon Mortimer for letting us carry this great production music track.


Mike Bielenberg is a professional musician and co-founder of, a production music marketplace with over 17,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music from an online community of musicians

Apr 22, 2012, 03:42

“Sparrow” by DJBonseye
Click Here to Listen

Perfect for:

A TV show character experiencing an epiphany and realizing they should stay the course, weather the storm and stay true to who they are, even if it means sticking with chess club and being on the wrong end of wedgy pranks by the lacrosse team.

DJ Bonseye’s Comments:

“Sparrow is our best seller with other libraries.  It’s a purely acoustic, moody, introspective that touches on the fear of stepping out into the world and emerging into hope, inner strength and discovery.  A hauntingly beautiful ballad portraying the lonely sparrow flying out into the darkness of the wide unknown world, fragile yet hopeful”

Media producers will find this to be the perfect choice when looking to license chill female vocal track for video. Big thanks to DJBonseye for letting us carry this great track.


Mike Bielenberg is a professional musician and co-founder of, a production music marketplace with over 17,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music from an online community of musicians

Apr 19, 2012, 11:32

One of George Lucas’s greatest creative decisions was using a live symphony for the Star Wars soundtrack. Why? Because he knew that orchestral classical music is timeless. One of the easiest ways to tell which decade a TV show comes from is to wait for the first music cue. But orchestral classical music, with soaring strings, brass, percussion and wind instruments transcends all fads and trends. We thought that we would highlight some of the great royalty-free classical music on ( that could be used for film, TV and radio commercials, website videos, background music and a range of other applications where production music is needed. has an extensive selection of royalty-free classical music.

A search on for “classical” yields over 2,000 royalty-free music tracks and includes royalty-free music from many great classical music composers including Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Debussy, Stravinsky, Brahms, Verdi, Wagner and Bartok, among others—

And a search for “Apollo Symphony Orchestra” on returns a collection of nearly 500 classical tracks produced with an orchestra–
This great collection of royalty-free production music tracks includes compositions from Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Smetana, Handel, Mahler and Wagner, among others.

A search on for “orchestral” yields over 5,000 royalty-free music tracks— also has a number of production music CDs, available in both physical and download CD formats, with hand-selected royalty-free music tracks. We compiled an outstanding collection of royalty-free orchestral/classical music on “Orchestral/Classical, Vol. 1” — royalty-free classical music tracks on this CD are great for film, video, TV and radio advertising, websites, background music and a variety of other uses. In addition to the CD, these classical royalty-free music tracks can be purchased as single tracks as well.

And for background music or ambient music for your business, retail establishment, restaurant, fitness club or website,’s Internet Music Stream offers nine unique playlists that provide a continuous stream of royalty-free background music for your commercial environment. MusicRevolution’s Internet Music Stream includes a playlist entitled “Relaxing Classical”.— timeless classical music will add restful yet sophisticated energy to your business.

With over 17,000 tracks of royalty-free music online in our production music library, ( has the production music you need.

Chris Cardell is the co-founder of, a production music marketplace with over 17,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music and custom music from a online community of professional musicians. Cardell has been involved with digital content and E-Commerce since the mid-1990’s.

Apr 16, 2012, 10:53

“Rocket Man” by Richtaste
Click Here to Listen

Perfect for:

Establishing exterior shots for teen romp flicks like Van Wilder. Media producers looking to license Green Day sound alike for tv show can use this track to make their characters immediately likeable to the audience as they’re walking into a school building and setting up the drama for that episode.

Big thanks to Don Lichterman for letting us carry this incredible track!


Mike Bielenberg is a professional musician and co-founder of, a production music marketplace with over 17,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music from an online community of musicians

Apr 11, 2012, 11:24

“Night Train to Rio” by Martin Neuville
Click Here to Listen

Perfect for:

Time lapse footage of high-tech factories and aerial shots of international cities. This is the corporate video music driving track you want playing in the background while looking your audience in the eye with wry smile and breezily explaining how you’re company is taking over the world…..and making it look easy.

Martin’s Comments:

” I think this is one of my best tracks. Canny atmosphere, cool rhythm, rangy melodies played on vibraphone and clean electronic guitar with shimmering percussions and smooth upright bass. Divided by solo instrument play into parts with climactic character.”

Big thanks for Martin for letting us carry this splendid track!


Mike Bielenberg is a professional musician and co-founder of, a production music marketplace with over 17,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music from an online community of musicians

Apr 9, 2012, 11:43

People like to have fun and feel good. When people have fun, they usually have lasting memories. Music that can communicate a fun, light-hearted mood in your media production and make your audience smile can create a memorable experience, and this is great for advertising. Not surprisingly, “Fun” is a frequently searched term on ( We thought that we would highlight some of the great royalty-free fun music on that could be used for TV and radio commercials, film, website videos, background music and a range of other applications. has an extensive selection of royalty-free fun music.

A search on for “fun” yields over 5,000 royalty-free music tracks—

A search for “funny” yields nearly 200 royalty-free music tracks—

We figured that any track that used the whistle might not be too serious and probably would fall into the “fun” category for royalty-free music. A search on for “whistle” yields over 50 royalty-free music tracks—

We also thought that any track that used the kazoo probably would fall into the “fun” category for royalty-free music. A search on for “kazoo” yields the following 5 royalty-free music tracks— also has a number of production music CDs, available in both physical and download CD formats, with hand-selected royalty-free music tracks. We created a fun collection of royalty-free music on “Fun, Vol. 1” — royalty-free fun tracks on this CD are great for TV and radio advertising, film, videos, websites, background music and a variety of other uses where you want your audience to have fun and feel good. In addition to the CD, these fun royalty-free music tracks can be purchased as single tracks as well.

With over 17,000 tracks of royalty-free music online in our production music library, ( has the production music you need.

Chris Cardell is the co-founder of, a production music marketplace with over 17,000 tracks online where media producers, video producers, filmmakers, game developers, businesses and other music buyers can license high-quality, affordable royalty-free music and custom music from a online community of professional musicians. Cardell has been involved with digital content and E-Commerce since the mid-1990’s.