In August we wrote about selecting the right royalty-free music for sizzle reels. Sizzle reels, or demo reels, are a great way for organizations to provide a dynamic, multimedia overview of what they are all about. Music to be used for a corporate sizzle reel needs to be cleared for commercial use, otherwise the organization […]

With Halloween just a month away, we thought that we would highlight some of the great royalty-free music on ( that would be suitable for your Halloween production or for background music during Halloween. We have  great royalty-free music for Halloween. Check out these cool searches you can do on our site: A search […]

Production music creators can generate vocal tracks like this by just entering pitches and text into a software program called Vocaloid, originally developed by Yamaha. The software is modular wherein the user buys one “Vocalist” at a time. Here’s a mind-blowing demo of the most recent “Vocalist” called Tonio

We love doing scavenger hunts for ideas and content that help media producers make cooler videos. Today we found this very effective approach to featuring a corporate executive

Anyone who’s ever attended a Vienna Boys Choir concert knows what an amazingly pure sound an ensemble like that can create. My vision for this track was a melody sung by a boys choir (for a serious feel), that was supported with electronic drums to give it some modernity.

If extra-terrestrial visitors tried to greet us for the 1st time with a 60’s theme cocktail party, this would be the soundtrack.

The music that enters just after actress Sofia Vergara finishes her seductive pitch in this Cadillac Escalade commercial caught the attention of some my fellow musicians so I thought I’d post it here:

Anyone who collaborates on production music projects knows that transferring large files from one party to another is part of the gig. There are lots of free ftp programs out there which are can be used to accomplish this by bypassing complicated web protocols and basically using the internet as one big hard drive. It’s […]

There was a little bit business drama surrounding this project because it was one of two major Coca-Cola videos being produced that week by the same client . The other video being produced was to be permanently included in the famous tourist attraction World Of Coke. My client wisely chose to not have the same musician work on both projects, but I felt a bit stung at not being chosen for the World of Coke gig.

Often a client who needs original music will be primarily focused on the short-term needs of the project: Does this cue correctly fit the scene? How many revisions of the demo will there be? Will the composer finish on time? Long-term considerations such as the saleability of the track in a royalty-free music library are […]