There is an old Chinese proverb that says, “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.” That’s a helpful nugget to remember for the non-Chinese production music library that endeavors to expand their business into China. The “nail” in this example is not said music library, mind you, but rather mid-sized businesses, based in China, […]

Both of these animated shorts are funny, inspired and interesting. But I think only one of them features outstanding soundtrack choice: Example 1 Example 2 Animators pour a great deal of energy into storyboarding, sketching, modeling & texturing. So much, evidently, that other creative senses can sometimes atrophy. I can certainly relate. As a music […]

Let’s assume you are a creative professional being compensated to create a video for a client. Let’s also assume your client will NOT be broadcasting the video on television nor distributing it on DVD, but WILL be distributing the video on the internet (their website, YouTube etc), presenting it at meetings and even showing it […]

Last week we delved into a method of creating electronica tracks I learned from music technology maven and performance artist Craig Anderton through his excellent columns written for Keyboard magazine. Through this writing method – now dubbed the “mute party” – I have created production music tracks commissioned by IBM, and Dreamworks then later licensed […]

Years ago, high tech music guru Craig Anderton wrote a tutorial for Keyboard magazine outlining one of his very effective approaches to creating electronica music. Anderton was the editor of Electronic Musician until 1990 and has reviewed thousands of high tech music products. Though I am unable to cite the exact issue, the simple concept […]

In the previous installment of this blog series, I provided examples of what researcher Dan Levitin suggests are three types of songs that are not just important to us personally, but important from the standpoint of human evolution. In his book, The World in Six Songs (2009 Penguin Press), Levitin makes that case that human […]

In his 2008 book The World in Six Songs (2009 The Penguin Group), researcher Daniel J. Levitin creates a fascinating thread that connects findings in neuroscience, physiology, evolution theory, and anthropology. He suggests that your love of music speaks to something deeper in your DNA than the moment you discovered your parents’ record collection. A […]

We’ve launched our discussion forum, which is focused on the various aspects production music, to provide an additional resource to serve the community of professional and aspiring musicians that fuels Our objective with this forum is to create an online meeting place where our musicians can share their knowledge and experiences, and collaborate […]

This blog article links to three play lists containing the type of production music I see used most often in TV commercials and video presentations. By “type” I don’t necessarily mean specific music sub-genres (punk rock, progressive trance, etc.) but rather moods or energy levels most often required by a video editor trying to tell […]

Producing a music track is akin to directing a motion picture in that one of those many decisions made on the set will become a huge factor in the editing room……but it’s difficult to know which one. It takes extraordinary skill to be immersed in the technical complexity, creative options and personalities of a production […]